Who is Gautama Buddha

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

What are the Causes and Effects of conflict

Conflict is the disagreement of thoughts or ideas among 2 or more individual or group, The causes of conflict and its aftermath could be negative or positive depending to individual or group ways of taking the situation. 
                                 The causes of conflict and its effect could vary  due to a common cause between two parties governed by misunderstanding, assertion of power, ignorance to needs and feelings of other person, disagreement over facts and opinion, fighting over perceived value, not matching expectation of other individual or group, and most commonly trying to help or give advise .
           Misunderstanding is commonly caused due to rumors and pre-imaging which leads to parties guessing about each other leading to confusion and feeling of mistrust and biased prejudices. Its after effects could be a disaster leading to violent actions sometimes leading to death of one party.The other side could be building a better bond among 2 parties.
                     Assesrtion of power has always been a reason of greatest conflicts between 2 individuals, groups or countries, religion, tribes. This is one kind of conflict which evolved from the day man evolved . Its in Human Nature to lead and be a leader, Assertion of power cannot be compromised easily untill both parties want to fallback or runaway from conflict. The effect of this conflict has always been the same " To rule one should be ruler and other should be follower". One party is always crushed by the other.
                                                                   Ignorance to needs and feelings of other individual concerns friends, family and people around you, these people have a certain set of expectation which is somehow broken by another party. The breaking of expectation could be fatal leading to complete boycott of another party, or it could make the friendship more good.
                                                         Conflict of Disagreement over facts and opinion could be positive and negative .This is the most common type of conflict, the better opinion is always appreciated and wins the course, However the other party is not in agreement and tries to prove his points though many possible ways could be dangerous aswell. Sometimes people really go too far to prove their point and end up loosing everything, even loosing life for an opinion.
                                                      Conflict of fighting over perceived value, set of rules among two parties is very unanimous and unpredictable, it depends upon the individual source of thinking, cultural values, religion, country, even person personality. The consciquences  is devastation, getting physical, abusive, violent is common . This conflict doesn't have a positive aspect at all, it leads to enemity for ages, permanent rivalry, which is not so easily forgotten. 
                                                     Last but not the least Trying to help and advise is one of the major causes of disagreement between 2 different parties which is maximun time between 2 different age groups. This set of conflict is commonly seen among parents and kids, student and teacher. Some times the situation becomes really bad leading one advised party to act very noobishly and do silly acts of Homicide or trying to hurt the parents or teacher by doing something bad, but the idea is to defend himself or herself. It has positive consciquences aswell, which leads to making the advised party to be better. 
                             Thus concluding all aspects of conflicts and their effects entirely depend upon the two parties that how far they are really willing to go with their conflict, Conflict is bad but it sometimes is also good. We humans get into conflict and evolve our ways of thinking and approach towards human understandings. It is through the old conflicts that we learn to live life more properly without conflicts, learning how not to make a conflict and understand the results. Therefore Humans Stay humans by getting involved into conflicts and by solving their conflicts so as they live life peacefully and with harmony.

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